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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Big Brain Time : Captain America Brave New World "What Could Have Been"

Alright, we're entering another heavy Captain America Brave New World spoiler zone, I'm gonna spoil the end and shit so, again, read at your own risk!

I loved the movie, for a lot of personal reasons. It's far from perfect but it will stay one of my fav movie ever anyway.
But it's clear the movie changed a lot, from what we got in trailers, interviews, promotional leaked pictures and I thought it would be interesting to talk about "what could have been", how things changed, why maybe.
So let's go, it's big brain time!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Let's Talk Captain America's Sam Sterns

Aaaaaaah, here we are... After 17 years... Let's finally talk about our MCU Leader!

Disclaimer, I will spoil EVERYTHING, read at your own risk!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Thursday, February 13, 2025

I know you're expecting a Cap 4 review or something like that, but we're not gonna talk about the movie (it's not even out in US, I'm just a privileged French with movie release on Wednesday), we'll keep that for later.
I really don't know how to name this one. It's gonna be my most personal post ever alright, so let's talk together, let's be serious for once.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Little Reac' the Final Countdown (to MCU Sam)


I said I wouldn't talk about Brave New World unless Tim says something relevant but too many people keep asking me what I think of what we saw lately so here we go.

It will be my final post about Cap 4 here before the movie comes out, even if Tim gives another important interview. Though I'll probably mention them in later posts and in my BlueSky, but I will step away from internet very soon to avoid any spoilers so expect this to be my last post 'til the 14th haha.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Big Brain Time : The Angel of Death

I often talked about how I enjoy depicting Bruce as a demon and Sam and angel, a fallen one.

So today let's explore that, it's Big Brain Time ! 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Meowseum : Funko POP!


I'm not a fan of Funko POP, I had only 3 before this one came out. The Rabbit from Pinocchio (yes another Tim Blake Nelson role) and two POP I got as a present.

I'm not a hater, to each their own, it's just not my thing. Unless it's Sam of course.
So today let's see that Funko POP!

Monday, November 25, 2024

Let's Talk Art

It should have been the very first post here given how my whole life is driven by Art (so is yours though you're just not fully aware of it) but it's kind of a complex thing to talk about so I wasn't sure how to talk about it. Anyway, today we talk Art.

Big Brain Time : Captain America Brave New World "What Could Have Been"

Alright, we're entering another heavy Captain America Brave New World spoiler zone, I'm gonna spoil the end and shit so, again, read...