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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Big Brain Time : Sam has pronouns

I once had someone asking me "do you think Sam could be a trans character?" and I think yeah, headcanons are meant to be a personal interpretation of something that wasn't confirmed in the story and I strongly believe it doesn't have to stick to the lore as long as it brings you comfort and isn't meant to disrespect someone else so yeah if you think Sam is trans then he is.

But I saw "you're not allowed to think that because that's not canon so it hurts the OG story" (how ???) from people who yell "free speech" whenever they need to spit they bigotry so many time that I understand why someone would ask me how it makes sense to the actual Hulk lore.
So let's show them how everybody can bend the canon to their will. In fact that's what being a true fan is about to me, it's not about following a canon, it's about having your own fun with your own interpretation. And today I'll show you that anyone can bend the canon to their own need because it's "open" enough for that and have fun with it with this very cool Sam interpretation.

Sam is trans because I said so

Friday, February 16, 2024

Big Brain Time : MCU Hulk the Super Soldier

Believe it or not but in the MCU Hulk related characters are all Captain America characters (including Bruce/Hulk) and gamma mutated are Super Soldiers.

Let me explain :

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Big Brain Time : Sam and Sam

Now that we talked about Sam being the embodiment of love and hate let's explore another important aspect of his character so you can have a better understandment of this moron.

Sam suffers a dissociative disorder.

Giving Sam a proper diag is complicated because of inconsistency. Like Bruce and Hulk, Sam and the Leader used to be two different personality. They had a different way to talk, to behave, to dress etc... At first it wasn't about mental illness but about inspiration. Bruce was inspired by Frankenstein/Adam and Jekyll/Hyde and Sam is Bruce's mirror so just like him he had these "two persona opposing each others" writing. With time, however, it was confirmed that Bruce has a DID, so what about Sam ?

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Big Brain Time : A matter of Love and Hate

    First Sam article I gotta write because this is a key part of his whole writing that a lot of people doesn't know and I'll often use it for a lot of further posts about him.

    When you love mainstream comics characters from big Co like Marvel and DC the positive part is they're basically immortal and has a shit tons of design and interpretation, there's as much versions of a character as there're people who write and draw them (canon or fanstuff) and that's a lot of fun. The bad part, however, is inconsistency in canon stories. Everyone is different, everyone have their own interpretation. If you take two hardcore fan of a same character who both know everything about them they'll still interpret stuff differently and that lead to a lot of cool stories but also some incoherencies so you can't really affirm anything, you can just make theories. And when you love characters as much as I do you're seeking a continuity in plot holes and inconsistency so eventually you come up with your own theories to have one consistent big story.
I don't really mind if my theories are just theories, if it's just overthinking, a reach. It makes me happy to think about a great connected story that makes totally sense and it's all that matter.
But once is a while, though, your theories get validated by another writer who apparently saw the same thing as you and your theory is no longer a theory, it's a canon fact.

This is what happened with Sam.

Big Brain Time : Captain America Brave New World "What Could Have Been"

Alright, we're entering another heavy Captain America Brave New World spoiler zone, I'm gonna spoil the end and shit so, again, read...