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Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Meowseum : Movie Script !


The Incredible Hulk movie is one of my comfort movie, I enjoy rewatching it at least once a month or so while working so I was very happy to find that script and because I'm a huge simp let it be signed by my favorite actor, Tim Blake Nelson.
But I talked about MCU Sam and Tim Blake Nelson longer here so let's focus on that specific find :

Let's Talk MCU Sam and Tim Blake Nelson

"Let's Talk" are a new kind of posts, way more personal, even intimate, usually longer too, about stuff I like, why I love them etc... It's kinda about me unlike "Big Brain Time" that are just theories and analysis about something else, 'cause even if I'm talking about something or someone it's about why it's important to me.

To be honest I wanted to start with other more personal posts, in fact I have a few Let's Talk ready about Sam, villains, collecting etc... But I was casually doing a post about the Incredible Hulk Movie Script that I got and as I was writing it, it somehow turned into a whole post abouti Tim Blake Nelson and MCU Sam, so let's talk about them here instead !

This one is gonna be a super long chaotic desorganized post so take something to eat, to drink, maybe send a message to your boss to explain that you won't be able to go to work this week 'cause boy we're gonna talk about A LOT of stuff here today. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Meowseum - Let's Golf !


My only approach to golf in Space Jam (though I like mini-golf) so when I found these very recently it was a nice surprise, I was very curious about it (and because I thought I was aware of every official Sam merch existing but turns out I'm not and I expect that to this day I'm still not aware of a few stuff).

So let's golf !

Big Brain Time : Captain America Brave New World "What Could Have Been"

Alright, we're entering another heavy Captain America Brave New World spoiler zone, I'm gonna spoil the end and shit so, again, read...