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Monday, September 30, 2024

Let's Talk Collecting

Why do people collect ? That's a question we always hear as collectors.
We can't really answer that, there's as many answers as there's collectors, a collection is something personal and intimate so we all have our reasons.

I wanted to talk about it because it's a huge part of my life and the reason I started blogging long ago, I wanted to share about this passion.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Let's talk MCU

Ooooof, this post is gonna make people upset but fortunatly for me nobody read that blog (it's, in fact, the reason I made this blog, to avoid entering into some kind of heated discourse with strangers who can't accept that people have a different pov about fiction).

I also made this blog to talk about comics, mostly, 'cause it's easier to share pictures and just talk about something on different places at the same time ('cause as an artist online I have more than one place to keep care of and talking about Sam is highly related to what I do so) and it's just better to read, edit etc... Than Xwitter or Bluesky or whatever.
But anyway, because of MCU Sam coming back soon, I've been talking a lot about the MCU rather than talking about comics, I've been rewatching a few film and I wanted to talk about it once and for all.
So let's talk MCU !

Big Brain Time : Captain America Brave New World "What Could Have Been"

Alright, we're entering another heavy Captain America Brave New World spoiler zone, I'm gonna spoil the end and shit so, again, read...