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Monday, January 29, 2024

Lo, I made a blog...

Oh I don't like presentations so I'll just assume most of you already know me and go on. However I'll present that lil' purrson above, his name is Leatter and he'll be your host here.

I'm terrible at writing, I write like I talk, a flow of chaotic thoughts about whatever I like whenever I feel like writing it. This is why I draw, my mind is more disciplinate through art.
But still, I love writing about what I love, explaining why I love it, sharing theories, expectations and such, talking about whatever makes me feel alive.
It's something I used to do a lot before Twitter died. It was mostly about my burning passion for whatever makes me happy (mostly Hulk related stuff, gaming, comics, arts) and I really missed doing that.
But it's just no fun sharing anything on X anymore, people put more energy into hating than anything else. Maybe I'm just getting too old and tired for social medias, whatever, I don't want to put time in it anymore. I never liked visibility anyway.
So I'm just keeping social medias for my work and arts (except for Bluesky, at least for now, because there's barely anybody on it).

But I thought damn, it would be such a waste to stop sharing all these random threads I used to write. Not because it was interesting or great (though I do hope some of you enjoyed these and learnt through it haha), in fact I think it was terrible, threads are so annoying to read. But for myself.
I don't really care if people read me, though of course when you share something you still expect to hit at least someone. I know less people will read because they'll be too lazy to click and that's great, less potential trolls and haters as well.
I don't care either if I can't properly write shit, I just like doing this, so I will.

When I was younger I would always have a blog. It used to be about collecting (that's something I'll keep doing here actually), I would share my latest find and explain why I took it, why I think it's neat.
It was always about myself, because I love when people share what they like so I wanted to share what I like too. And that's what I'm currently seeking, a personal space, not related to my job or any kind of business, just some good ol' fun and passion.

What am I gonna post here ? Honestly I'm not sure, I have a lot of stuff in mind. I want to share all the odd Sam stuff I found, I want to promote artists I like, I want to share theories and dumb analysis on Hulk, I want to talk about the latest book I've been reading or the latest game I found. I want to talk about my own work. I just want to talk about all the stuff I love and why I love it. Of course this place will grow as I write, it's a lil' baby atm.

So welcome to my place, or welcome back I guess, let's go back to our gamma fun !

Big Brain Time : Captain America Brave New World "What Could Have Been"

Alright, we're entering another heavy Captain America Brave New World spoiler zone, I'm gonna spoil the end and shit so, again, read...