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Monday, November 25, 2024

Let's Talk Art

It should have been the very first post here given how my whole life is driven by Art (so is yours though you're just not fully aware of it) but it's kind of a complex thing to talk about so I wasn't sure how to talk about it. Anyway, today we talk Art.

It's gonna be incredibly clumsy but there's just so much to say. You don't have to agree to everything, of course, I'll talk about sensitive topics after all but anyway, I hope it will still be somewhat useful or whatever.
Have fun!

What is Art? This question might bring you back terrible flashback from your philosophical classes. I'm not gonna give a definition of Art 'cause there's as many vision of Arts as there's people. But we're still gonna think about it together because if a question doesn't need a straight answer, it doesn't mean it doesn't need to be asked and thought and it doesn't mean we can't at least find a few truths.

Art was created as a mean to communicate, thus the reason writing was born of it. It's the only factual thing about Art, it was meant to communicate our thoughts. Any thought really, a feeling, an idea, a dream, a simple casual moment, whatever.
Art is Art as long as someone has something to express and express it.

You see, that's why AI cannot be Art and will always be a product, it doesn't matter if you typed your ideas through prompts or whatever, you're still getting a computer generated result, a calculation, you're not sharing your vision of these prompts, you're not sharing a feeling, you're sharing the result of a computer. A calculation.
If anything Art is the purest, rawest, most chaotic form of humanity. You won't find it anywhere else, no other living form need and do Art. A bird can sing, a peacock can dance, a monkey can draw but they will never make Art because they do this as a natural mean and not for Art. That's the thing about Art, it's not natural nor a necessity and it's certainly not about beauty. You can argue that nature is Art because of how beautiful it is but it's your human brain and your own emotion that will turn what you see into Art, nature alone isn't and cannot be Art, it's nature and nature doesn't follow nor answer to humanity, that's why it's so interesting. I'd even say it's kind of egocentrical to call nature "Art" and turn it into a mere human concept, because nature do not answer to our codes and morales and feeling, you don't bend nature to humanity.

Now we need to adress this nasty notion of beauty. I love Art but it's important to understand how and why it's poisoned.
It's an unfortunate very strong belief and as sad as it is, we need to recognize the place of Art in white supremacism. Something beautiful is Art, something imperfect or ugly cannot be. It's born from the very elitist supremacist vision that everything pretty is pure and perfect while something ugly is bad and evil. This mindset was created for nefarious racist and sexist purpose of course, to push a white supremacist standard. And what best to spread something like beauty standard than Art? 'Cause humans create their personality and vision through stories and what is a stories if not the reason we created Art?
Supremacism Art is perfect and imperfection is bad and shouldn't exist, that's why minorities are ugly, 'cause if they're ulgy they're imperfect and if they're imperfect then it's ok for you to think they shouldn't exist or should "better" themself and by better themself it means erasing everything that doesn't follow the white supremacism norm, everything that made them different or slightly disturb your personal vision of beauty, as if people were only meant to be decoration in the fucked up self-centered world you created in your mind. Like black women who are taught to smooth their hair, gays who are taught to be less feminine. That's why things like tattoos, piercing, colored hair are seen as ugly by the oldest generation or the alt Right while being more popular among minorities, because minorites question the world and the beauty standards so they defy it through their look. I mean, we have no choice but to question the world because of course we question why we're not allowed to live and of course we defy the norms that excluded us and honestly it would have been simpler for us to just follow a standard and fit in rather than having to fight daily for the right to exist while having people fighting for your total extermination and thinking it's an okily dokily thing to do 'cause somehow you're a threat to their little comfort.

That's why AI is so popular and why people should stop calling it "ugly", because it's not, it will improve and reach their "perfection" one day and that's the point, AI is meant to follow this supremacist mindset, a mindset that doesn't allow imperfection to exist. A mindset that taught you only the pretty are allowed to exist and most importantly only one kind of pretty. That's what AI is about, reinforcing this idea that if your Art is imperfect or ugly and doesn't have a pro level realism then it's worthless, like you. Because what worth are you if you can't bring beauty to this world anyway?
Have you noticed how Supremacists are so into History and Art? Because it's related, you learn about History through the Art people left behind, through the stories they wanted to share and as I said above when you control Art you control people. It's not about appreciating "beauty" it's about control, power and ego.  Gatekeeping Culture, History and Art to an "elit" is also a way to reinforce social status, societal ladder. To have "superior" people with more worth than others.
So they will only praise one kind of Art, as realistic as possible and as white coded as possible. Of course they won't talk about other cultures. You'll see them jerk off on antique statues, "Masters", christian architecture. You'll see them praise the Sistine Chapel or Notre-Dame de Paris but never the Mïnâkshi Temple nor the Sultan Ahmet Mosque. You'll see them share the same Antonio Corradini statues but they will never mention the Yoruba Arts. They will share Leonardo Da Vinci but they'll never talk about Frida Khalo and it's not even like it was some kind of obscur Arts, they're all well known but you'll never see them mentionned in these dumbass "Art appreciation" accounts and shit, they'll call us little artists online gatekeepers but they will never share artists who made Art accessible again like Marcel Duchamp because what they do is, how do they call that, "ugly" and some will go as far as calling it "degenerate", right?
There's a reason nazi burnt down books and called any Arts that didn't follow their supremacism agenda "degenerate" and that's the reason. Remember, nazis didn't create supremacism, they took well long established rules.

That's why Art became, over time, a synonym for nobility, wealth, power, intelligence and elitism. Because Art is also the biggest door to knowledge and if you control knowledge you control people's belief and through their belief you control them.
That's why I don't believe in "I dissociate the Art from the artist". Art is a part of ourself, you cannot dissociate it from a person, never. It reflects their ideas, their passions, their mindset, everything (not even mentionning how someone's creation profit their reputation, therefore power and their wallet 'cause it's obvious as it is). And you can dissociate all you want, you're not removing its purpose and message just because it's more comfortable for you, that's not how it works. Art is a physical form of our psyche, you cannot dissociate it from us, it's just a very lazy way to avoid thinking and questionning whatever you're consuming for your own personal comfort. Because you're just so used of having pretty and comfortable Art you forget it's a door to humanity for the best and the worst.
And I'm not saying it to judge you, I'm not saying "if you're into "beauty" and classic white Art you're a supremacist yourself", nor what you should enjoy or not, it's you and your own moral and I don't have that importance. But just because you like something doesn't mean it's not questionable, just because you know something doesn't mean it's right, just like just because something is questionable doesn't mean you can't enjoy it, it's too "case-by-case" anyway.

What I'm saying is, that's why it's important to keep an open mind and question the World, to remember that just because something is "like this forever" doesn't mean it's right, just because you're used to something doesn't mean it's right. Remember, you know nothing, you'll never know anything and keep learning. Most people who spread supremacist mindset and agree with it and follow them aren't even aware they do, they're not aware of the problem and the danger of what they follow. That's why it's important to point it out. Not to blame them, but to give them a way to grow and question themself. I told you, Art is a door to knowledge and you can educate your taste. But education require pedagogy, I don't think you get anything through shaming and blaming people who followed a propaganda. They felt to that propaganda because it touched one of their weakness but it doesn't mean they're far too gone.
Alright I'm diving in a very unpopular opinion there but anyway. I don't think any of us persecuted minorites should be held accountable for bigotry, I don't think people radicalize themself because "minorities were mean to me once or weird online", I don't think it's our responsability either to educate and "save" our oppressors but the thing is, we don't live in a fair world, otherwise we wouldn't even need this conversation. We live in a world where bigots will never be held accountable for their crime and hatred, they will never stop, never be sorry, never repent. And most people who follow these mindset, who fear us, they're "lost", all they have is the poor representation bigots give them, all they have is their lies so what do you think is gonna happen if you keep pushing these people away instead of giving them the keys and the curiosity to educate themself? And don't come at me with "yeah well I'm not bigoted and I didn't have to be educate" because it's not true, if you're not that's because someone else gave you the keys sooner than them, that's all. Your parents, a friend, an inspiration.
It's also up to us to be this inspiration. And I agree, it shouldn't have to be this way, we shouldn't have this burden on our shoulders too, why is it always leftists who have to be perfect while the Right vote for rapists and pedos? We deserve the rage and the hate they gave us, we shouldn't be doomed to have any consideration or compassion for the people who would never had any for us if we weren't showing them how human we are. It's unfair but it is what it is, for now there's really nothing else we can do.
That's also why I share so much, I keep my rage and my hate for the system and people who keep it safe. For everyone else, I'm opening a door. If people won't take it, it's on them and they won't even be worth of my energy 'cause they already doomed themselves and I just wanna live too, you know. But I know a few did take that door already and they opened it for other people. Thinking you can change the World without violence is a lie and an utopia but thinking you cannot change it through patience and compassion is wrong too, nothing is manichaean, nothing is that simple and certainly not humanity.
It's fine if you don't have the strength to forgive and to give even more of yourself to people who hurt you, but don't blame us for trying to prove them wrong. It's our duty as creators. We inspire, no matter if we want to or not, we inspire so we have a reponsability.

But the truth is, everyone is an artist. Your favorite comics book is Art, your favorite video game is Art, your fanart is Art, a child sharing a drawing of a bunch of stickmen is an artist, a purest artist than any of us even because their only mean is to materialize a feeling through a memory or a dream and share it.
That's what Art is about.
That's also why I hate the academic view of Art "you need to do this to be an artist, you need to do that to be an artist", no you don't, you need to follow some rules if you want to reach a certain skill level but being an artist isn't about skill, you don't need skill to express yourself. It's fine to want to improve your skill but it shouldn't be about "becoming an artist", just about improving yourself for your own personal satisfaction or your job, but you don't need to be a pro in everything you do in order to do it and have fun doing it.
How I hate elitism and academic rules. Even when it takes other cultures into consideration, it's always in a nasty way and you can try it, show a comics book to someone, an anime, the MCU and tell them this is Art and watch them be angry at this statement, as true as it is. Because it would imply that everything is Art and so they're not superior by enjoying this or that.

So what is Art? Art is humanity and humanity is imperfect and that's why it's powerful. It doesn't have to be physically appealing, or appealing at all in fact, it doesn't have to follow a standard. As I said Art is a huge chaos, unatural and imperfect.

That's why this blog is so chaotic, why this post is chaotic and doesn't have any real construction. Because I write the way I share, that's why my main social media is also incredibly chaotic and why I am too. I like to share what I like the way I feel it, raw. That's why everything I do looks like a very organized mess, because that's how my mind works. I share the way I draw, I draw the way I think.
I'm an artist not because I draw for a living, not because what I do looks good (and that's still a very personal view anyway, I'm sure some people dislike my artstyle the way I'm not sensitive to some), but because all my arts, even if it's fanart, are meant to communicate, to share something important to me. To express myself and to pause the never ending flow of intrusive thoughts in my head.

Recently I saw a therapist as an usual health check up. Having a lot of hormonal issues sure fuck up your mind a lot so from time to time I have to see a therapist (and honestly I should see them more often and I would if it wasn't for my huge ressent toward the medical field) mental healthness is as important, if not even more, than your physical health and just like you should do some physical check up from time to time it's important to have a mental one as well. But that's not the point.
The point is, she saw my arts and she said "you draw the way you feel, it's not hard to feel your genuine passion and love by just looking at your gallery. You draw to share a passion" and that's what fanart is about, sharing a passion. In fact that's what Art is about. Any kind of Art, really. You write because you want people to read it, you cook because you want people to taste it, you play music because you want people to listen to it. That's why people care so much about their engagement online. Because the point was always sharing.

Let's quickly talk about social media shall we.
Ironically, because I'm known for having a loud and heavy presence online, I hate social media. Or rather I hate what people turned them into.
As I said Art is rotten by the supremacism view of "perfection" and if anything, social media made it worst through people's pursuit of fame and power, because as I said elitism in Art is only about power and power is about money and fame. So artists online started to follow that view too, to fit, to please, to survive in this field. Their accounts have to be all pretty and aesthetic and properly organized. They're not allowed to be more than whatever aesthetic people slapped on them. If they draw something cute they have to be cute, to stay cute. If they draw something dark they have to stay dark, etc... You get the idea. And most importantly they're not allowed to have a moral or an opinion on anything.
You'll often see artists online being sorry for sharing people who don't match their "agenda", being sorry for sharing something they like that isn't related to their Art, feeling sorry for expressing an opinion, feeling sorry for not being perfect. Feeling sorry for being "woke" or not enough, because let's be honest, we also have fake-ass leftist, so we gotta deal with the violence of "anti-woke" dumbass mobs and people who will tell you you're not woke enough because you had a Starbucks once in your life 12 years ago. And as artist, fuck how we tank all this violence 'cause as I said, people think they own us and they think everything we do should be for them and if you don't follow them then you're a terrible person.
And I hate that, my Art is a reflect of my life, it's connected to what I am, what I say, what I share, I don't want it to be perfect or match an aesthetic, I don't want to shut the fuck up to please losers who don't like seeing a queer artist nor kids who think you should be all flat and perfect and never share some spice. My Arts should match me and only me, I don't give a shit if it's not what people want me to do. That's why I talked about the raw chaos of my social media, because my Art is a part of myself and I'm not here to become a product or to please anyone but me and I won't be sorry if you're annoyed by my own humanity and imperfections.
An artist can recreate what people like but a good artist will make people like what they create. Beside, the support I've got for being me rather than trying to become a product is way stronger than some of my artists friends with 10x my visibility, people are people too and while we mostly notice the most annoying of them, there's still a huge part of very normal lads who are into humanity. If you go to a very crowded place and 50 people salute you politly and were nice to you, you'll only remember the one who didn't, y'know, that's kind of the same online.

I'm not blaming anyone though, we're all twisted by this need for recognition, because as I said it's all about sharing so of course it feels incredibly depressing to share something and feel like it won't reach anyone, it makes you feel alone. Because that's also the meaning of Art, fighting humanity's biggest fear, the void, the nothing you taste through loneliness, that's why loneliness is scary. Even for me and yet, if I fear one thing it's visibility and celebrity because people are incredibly cruel when they think they own you.
And yet, yet I need to share. I need to share what I do, I need to share what I like and more importantly I need to share what I am, I need to share my existence. Maybe it's a way to prove ourself that we're "here", as I said, in a mean to fight the loneliness.
But do we need to be famous to achieve that? Certainly not so why do we keep trying to get even more and more even if it means sacrificing our Art, sacrificing a part of ourself? Because fame is power, power is money, money is fame etc etc.. Because we all try to be among the top rather than suffering in the pit, even if it means accepting to turn ourself into empty shell. And that's something I can understand, social media made it easy to have a little fame and to feel that sensation so I get it.
Most people are just trying to make a living and unfortunatly for that you have to follow the rules so really I don't blame them, I need to make a living too after all, I know the feeling.
But still, I can't help but hate how social media reinforce this idea that you need to follow perfection for that. If anything social media should have been a way to do the opposite, it should be a way to let everyone express their Art and become an artist by making them share, it shouldn't be the hellish shit hole it is now, it should be a tool to prove that we're all equal but I'm a dreamer.

And that's why I hate social media, because they give you this illusion that you're in control of everything you do, that you're the protagonist of everyone's life when really you're just an empty ghoul among empty ghouls silently suffering a model you try to follow. It gave you this illusion of sharing and be heard when really humanity were never as lonely as it is now. And I'm not saying this in a boomer way, as I just said there's a lot of positivity in social media if it wasn't designed to be what it is and if people were educated enough about it to learn how to properly use them.
And it's funny 'cause lately you have a huge exil of people from X going to BlueSky and it's a good exemple of all that, in BlueSky you'll get less followers than everywhere else but somehow you'll get more engagement and yet some people still avoid it because somehow they think it's better having over 10K followers who don't even exist anymore or give a single shit about what they do rather than having 500 persons who often read them and share what they do and interact. Because it's not about sharing anymore, it's not about Art, it's about becoming superior and powerful and if anything, seeing X becoming an Alt Right shit hole and people sticking to it anyway to "have more follower" is a good way to see who's genuine in their Art and who is only trying to pursue fame. Fame before passion, fame before moral, fame before Art.

Social media also induced some kind of intellectual laziness. People cannot think by themself anymore, they cannot create their own opinion, they will stick to one. Even when they express their "own" opinion they will always do it in a way it will fit and bring them visibility, it's never for themself, it's never their opinion but somehow it's still about themself and shining through someone else's ideas.
You can't even share a simple mushroom recipe anymore without having a bunch of people complaining about how they don't like mushroom and asking how to make this mushroom mushroom-less so it fits themself instead of looking something else. That's the paradoxe of social media I was mentionning, it makes you think everything is about you when really it's about following the popular mindset. That's the point of fame, in order to be famous you have to fit while thinking you matter more than others. Making yourself more important than others while fiting to please them. Everything gotta be about you and fit you while all you do is trying to fit in other's shoes so you can grab their fame, how dumb does that sound. And yet, that's what it is about.
An intellectual laziness because through social media people are used to stop looking for knowledge. What's the point of looking deeper than just whatever this 20 words tweet is about? How can it be wrong anyway, if internet said it then it's true, it's a quote from Napoleon himself. What's the point of clicking that link, the title bait is enough. People aren't curious anymore because it's boring. One of my friend was explaining to me how they didn't need to do more than browsing TikTok because through a few seconds video they could learn the bare minimum about something and see something else right after that and have just "everything" in it. And it could be cool if people looked deeper, it can be a very good introduction to a shit tons of stuff. But it creates the opposite because people just don't take the time to care, whatever they saw is over and they'll forget it for something else so it doesn't even work as a nice introduction to something anymore, not even mentionning fakes people will believe 'cause they just won't look it up.
And that's my main complain about this intellectual laziness, people cannot take their time anymore. They don't want to learn so they don't try new stuff because what's the point of doing something if you're not perfect at it already (and see? We're going back to what I said at the beginning about perfection, everything is a loop and everything have the same root). People can't just sit and appreciate something anymore, they'll get bored. And I think it's even dangerous because by trying to understand something as fast as possible and relying on people to make it easy for you, your absorbing their opinions, their pov, their experiences rather than living and creating yours. That's how radicalisation works, it's dangerous.

It turns people into spoiled brats because life isn't as simple as just scrolling, you can't scroll through your feelings, you can't just make everything about youself and you can't just get everything you want in a click. Because you need time to feel, to adress and understand what's going on, to go on. There's a reason people are more and more depressed and more and more neuroA, because their brain are always pressured by the flow of content and as someone who suffers brain issue I can tell you how unhealthy it is to never let you brain rest and force it to always stay stimulated. A lot of people will tell you "posting online makes me feel better" so why the fuck are the social media generation more depressed than mine? Social media isn't a way to escape loneliness, it's a way to reinforce it by having you think that if you don't fit in you're not worth it.
Again, I don't blame you because you're suffering a model. I blame the model.

Recently I was watching Lost Ollie and the first thing I noticed and loved about it is how slow it is. How it takes its time and let you properly feel the moment, the emotion you're meant to feel. It gives you time to accept what you're seeing, to feel it and then to adress it, kinda as if the serie was telling you "it's alright to feel this way" and it will litteraly tell it to you at the very end and when I heard it I was like "damn how good this serie is and how important it was for it to take its time" and it's a life lesson we're forgetting way too much lately, feeling needs time to be processed and so does Art, so does curiosity and everything that make us humans and not just machines.

And it's sad because once again, Art is a door to knowledge. That's why in order to progress in any Art field you need to take time and to observe. It's very true when you draw, the best way to learn isn't practicing, as important as it is, but learning to understand what you're looking at. Let's take a very simple exemple, the hand. The reason it's so hard to draw is because most people try to draw a hand as a whole, one object, when there's 5 fingers and each fingers have 3 parts and all these part are a form with its own shape and perspective and there's the palm with 3 parts, so you see, an hand isn't a single form and a whole, to properly draw it you first need to understand you're drawing so many different forms and not just one and for that you need to observe and to think. You need to deconstruct what you look at and it requires time and curiosity.
I often have people telling me that I'm smart and how I know everything and shit and I don't, I don't know shit, hell I don't even have a good enough memory to remember a name or a date. It's just that I only talk about what I kind of know (and once again, even when you think you know something, you don't really know about it) and I take my time, I take time to check what I'm about to share, I mean, social medias aren't instant messagerie or dialogue, you have time to answer, you don't need to answer right away, you should use this to properly make research before you talk about something.

The curiosity to learn is a keypart of Art. The thirst to knowledge is one of its fuel.

Art is passion and it doesn't matter how silly or mainstream your passion is, it was born of Art, it became Art. It will lead to the creation of another Art. It's a cycle.
This is why I love fiction so much, fiction is a way to educate you, to make you sensitive. You learn through it.
And I think that's the marvelous thing with fiction, fiction is Art and Art is born from a mean to communicate and so, Art is born of Art, everyone inspire everyone and it works with fiction too. Every fiction is a door to something else. Through my love for Hulk I started reading about everything that inspired it out of curiosity, in order to learn about it and everything that inspired what it inspired etc etc... And that's why I'm sharing so much about what I love, as simple as something like "Hulk" can sounds because of interiorised elitism, I want to communicate and share my feelings but also the feelings of other people who inspired other people and who ultimatly inspired me the way I'll inspired others. It's a wonderful and beautiful loop, a life cycle. Art is the purest form of humanity and life. You'll get into Hulk through me and through Hulk you'll get into something else and you'll share that something else so someone will enjoy it through you. It's just wonderful.

This is why I want to share and to draw. I'm a disabled person, I spent a decade in my bed and no matter how much support you get, you always feel incredibly lonely in these moments. So I lived through fiction, through Art and so, through other people's feelings. Every story was a different journey in someone's head. It inspired me to create and yeah I wasn't that good at first either but I didn't care because while I kept talking about the mean to share, there's another equally important part of Art people are slowly forgetting as I mentionned, the journey. The process. That's what AI bros who use us fail to understand. We don't create to get a perfect product, we create because the creating process makes us feel better. When I'm drawing I can finally feel at peace, that's why as soon as we're done with something we start another one, no matter how good at it we are and no matter how good the previous one was. We don't do this as a mean to mass product but because we need to create to live.

But you see, that's also why I'm not against "growing" and improving our skills as an artist, because as I was improving and learning to have a better artstyle, I was growing and improving myself too.

I was always scared to do more than "realistic" colors and boy how I SUCKED at it and more importantly how I HATED coloring my stuff before, see that bird guy? I cried when I did the first version because it felt like shit and made me felt like shit. But now I'm mostly known for my colors, isn't it funny? Colors were my biggest imperfection so instead of trying to make it "perfect", I took the other way, I made it even less perfect, even more imperfect. I mixed colors you're not supposed to mix, I used overly saturation you're not supposed to use. I broke the rules of perfection and did my own stuff. I embraced my "imperfections" through Art, I embraced myself. Even physically, I tattooed myself, dyed my hair, change my look for something more flashy and cluttered something more like me. I often say that I see myself as a part of my Art but it's the other way around, it's Art that is a part of ourself so our personal Art, our artstyle, is merely a reflexion of ourself. And I didn't only improved through my colors but also through my assurance, it's visible in my lines, they're more confident, less shy. So am I.

That's why people saying "anti AI are ableist" are the worst, because by saying this they're saying that in order to exist and be relevant a disabled person need to produce like a valid person, to produce something "perfect" to be relevant and again we're going back to what I said about supremacism, because it's always the same root. AI bros are openly supremacists, they openly agree to the nazi vision of "degenerate Art" and they see us as degenerated too. So they think they do us a favor by erasing whatever they see as degenerated. They feel like Heroes, that's why they're so dangerous.
They cannot even comprehend the feeling of creating. Why do we add so many details? Seems painful. Because it's fun, because it's therapeutic. They can't understand the therapeutic part of creating because they see it as a mean to reach a social statut and nothing more.
Have you noticed that most artists are neuroA? Most of them are in pain? Think about it, think about why you create. Is it to escape the reality? Is it, like me, to empty your mind for a moment and stop the hurtful thoughts? Is it to get people's attention? It doesn't matter what you'll answer, it will always, always be to fill a void, to try to feel better.

I love Art, we need Art, it's everywhere, in every shapes because Art is humanity and no matter how fucking twisted and scary the world and people are, you'll always find humanity. You'll always find someone with a story to tell, a feeling to share, a hand to lend.

Art is a door to our heart as well, it's easy to understand someone through their arts. If you're curious enough to understand Art then you can understand people, it's that simple.

And being an artist, damn, being an artist is the best thing. I'm scared of being famous one day but damn how I love my cute little supporters. How I love making them smile and dream through my passion only. How I love opening them the door to curiosity and having them look deeper into things I share to create their own vision and ultimatly their own Art.
As artists we hold the strongest power in the palm of our hand, we have the power to inspire, to change someone's day, to change their life the way some artists (and by artists I mean writers, actors, musicians, whoever worked on our stories) changed mine and gave me the strength I needed without even knowing I exist. This is how powerful Art is.

I saw death a few time, I went through abuses, mostly psychological and unfortunatly you cannot just walk away as if nothing happened, you develop fears. So I reached a point where I was just too scared to live. I was afraid of getting hurt again. But living through their Arts, their feelings, getting happy and sad, scared and angry over their own emotions and their own stories it made me realize how negative emotions are part of life and how I'd rather feel scared and hurt myself than spending my whole life in a bed and so, through them, I started living again. Because that's what Art is about, that's why it cannot fit a "beauty" standard, because the pain is part of it and there's nothing pretty in pain, nobody want to feel pain. But we will, it's a feeling too and it often creates the most powerful Arts, because the strongest the emotion, the strongest the Art.

As I said, Art is born of Art, that's how you create your vision, your artstyle, you take from other people. I'll talk as someone who draw because this is what I know best but it works for everything in its own way. You see a drawing you love and you're like "oh I love how they made this eye" so you'll try to understand why and how, you'll take the time to think about it, to reproduce it, to incorporate it in your own artstyle and mixed with everything else that inspires you, your artstyle will be born, your Art will be born. Every Art piece, every little drawing, even the 3 years old stickmen, are inspired by others. There's so many people and passion behind one single Art.
An artstyle is a Frankenstein monster, created through pieces of different people and together they give life to something different. We're all mad scientists, testing stuff until it works out, creating. Maybe that's also why we love creating so much, because it makes us feel powerful, like a God. Because certainly if Art is humanity then Art is life so if you create Art you create life.
And so, if everyone can create then everyone is God and if everyone is a God nobody is above others.

And so, ultimatly, that's what being an artist is about. It's about staying humble and open minded, to question the World. Curious and patient. Kind and passionate. And more importantly it's about being human and feeling, with all our imperfections and our struggles. All our happiness and all our pain. Through laughs and through tears, through love and through hate, through peace and through rage. A beautiful imperfect chaos of emotions. As artist we give a physical form to emotions, ideas, dreams. That's what beauty is really about, the raw experience of life.

That's why I love Art and I love sharing other artists and any forms of Art, could be a drawing, a photography, cinema, writers. Could be erotism, even porn or gore, though I'm extra careful with those 'cause everything 18+ still require consent and you can't just slap it into people's face either. Can be a fanwork from a serie I don't even know about. If I like what I see, no matter the reason, I share, it's really that simple.
Art is the most important thing to me and to most people, they're just not aware of it as I said and while I don't want to protect some kind of "Art sacradness" for the reason above, I think it's still important to fight to protect it from peple who don't respect it and use it as a weapon rather than the life breath it is.
It makes me sad how nowaday people whould rather share what they hate and what make them angry rather than what they love, what makes them dream and passionate.
I saw something saying how bigots hate when we're happily minding our own business because being happy without fitting in their standard is a crime and concluding by "happiness is a powerful weapon" and I feel they're right. I think no matter what happen you need to keep dreaming and share whatever makes you happy, let it be a green gamma weirdo or anything else. 'Cause if there's no passion there's no Art and if there's no Art there's no life.

Ah, I guess this post was a bit more depressing that intended.
I've been hesitant to make kind of "Art" posts about my stuff, to explain why I did this, what I tried to achieve and I might do that very soon 'cause I think it can be interesting to totally dive in a creative's mind through their process (that's why I love artbooks so much lol) but I also love when people try to find by themself what I tried to do because Art is a way to dream and no matter the initial intention, we all have different dreams and interpretations. I guess the easy way would just to make these post a few days after I post something after all lol but the thing is, I draw because I'm terrible at writing, as you noticed, at organizing my thoughts and just properly express myself so I don't know yet, I'll think about it.

But anyway, I hope this post was interesting anyway and I hope it makes you understand why sharing everything I'm into and making these long-ass theories and analyzis and make fanarts and stuff are so important to me, it was also important to mention all the problems with Art, understand how it's used to be able to properly use it yourself.
Stay open-minded and stay curious please.
Art is the quickest way to your mind, heart, feelings and dreams. Respect it to respect yourself.


Big Brain Time : Captain America Brave New World "What Could Have Been"

Alright, we're entering another heavy Captain America Brave New World spoiler zone, I'm gonna spoil the end and shit so, again, read...