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Monday, July 15, 2024

Little Reac' : Captain America Brave New World Trailer 1

The Captain America Brave New World trailer just came out and I thought it would be interesting to just put a very quick summary of the few Hulk-ish (SAM) theories I've got so far. I'm not gonna make Captain America theories 'cause I'm not the right person for that so let's talk about everything gamma instead alright !

Ok first of all let's put that trailer for those of you who haven't seen it yet. It's the English version with French subtitles 'cause people who read me are either French or English speakers.

I won't have much to say 'cause there's not much to say on a gamma pov and I actually like that a lot ? I miss the time trailer didn't show that much, I wanna see enough to theorize but not enough to completly guess or understand what's going on y'know.

I shared everything on Xwitter a few days ago so some of you know all that already. Big instagram accounts reposted my tweets for clouts and money too (I hate these people lmao) so it's now known, I think, but because everything just sink to oblivion after 2 days in social medias and because it's easier to just write down everything in one post and share it all here, I thought it would be better to make a full post about it.
Note that everytime I'll say Sam I'll be talking about Samuel Sterns and not Sam Wilson who I'll call Captain America.

So let's start with the obvious,


That moment barely last 0.1 sec but what a moment for me haha. You can also hear Tim Blake Nelson (so Sam) talking "Global power is shifting, you're just a paw" and I love, I LOVE the way he talks. His slow deep voice reminds me of Matt Frewer's voice a lot when he was voicing Sam in Incredible Hulk (1996)

I really don't know if it was meant on purpose or not but Matt Frewer being (so far) my favorite voice for Sam as the Leader I just love it.
We can barely see Sam and it's kinda hard to tell if the back of his head is green hair or the difformed brain-ish head he had during his Peter David era back in the 80/90s

I wouldn't be surprised if the MCU goes with that look because it's the most popular era for Sam. It's the look he'll get in most Incredible Hulk (1996) episodes (the one I share above is one of Sam's first appearence, he gets bald after that).
It's the easiest look to adapt on a live action movie that is meant to stick to a very realistic background. Tim Blake Nelson himself said that it was a very practical look with very few CGI and this kind of makeup is easier to do than a big forehead. This Sam also has a lighter skin less satured green so again, easier to adapt.
And last, Peter David era Sam is probably the best possible Sam to adapt to the ambiance and story of Captain America Brave New World 'cause back then he was building his own world, his own dystopia through conspiracy and political shit.

A lot of people dislike the Brave New World name 'cause they think it's "too cute" (yes, I saw people saying that, I'm not making up shit) but it's the name of the very famous book by Aldous Huxley and Sam's Freehold (that's the name of the city he built) was pretty similar to Brave New World and all so to me it makes sense that while they won't go that far 'cause it's not about it they will take inspiration from that Sam who would mind controle people from the governement to get what he needed.

That being said, take a look at MCU Sam's outfit. It's just a coat and a hat yes. Now let me share a moment where Sam is using his mind control powers on politicians and militaries in the era I just talked about.

Incredible Hulk 338 (1987) writer Peter David, penciler Todd McFarlane

Incredible Hulk 339 (1987) writer Peter David, penciler Todd McFarlane

Notice how Sam is able to mind control people through touch in this era (it's no longer used nowaday, sometimes mentionned but that's it) and remember that moment in the trailer when Isaiah Bradley attacks President Ross.

I'm gonna spoil a little bit here so beware.
That moment was already shown to audience a few weeks ago so we know someone hacked the speakers and said something in it, he had apparently a deep low voice (like Sam in the trailer) so my guess is while Sam won't physically mind control people, he will keep that power through experiments similar to the Winter Soldier program and just say whatever "activate" Isaiah and have him attack Ross.

That's probably Sam's lab here, I don't have much to say about it.

And we have a second little glimpse at the boy, barely. We see his green hand, probably taking pictures of people outside the conference where Isaiah went Winter Soldier. There's a metalic thing in front of the hood on the top of the pic. Some people assumed it was his forehead with some kind of "crown" like he tends to wear in artworks but it kinda doesn't match the hood form he's wearing, it's most likely above his head, so I'll go for a camera.

Now what might be Sam's relationship with Ross ? Well I think we got a few clues here.
First I'm gonna share that moment from Hulk vol.2 23

Hulk vol.2 23 (2010) written by Jeff Loeb, art by Leinil Francis Yu

During the Red Hulk era Sam's goal was to put Ross as the President of the United States right after Steve Rogers' death. We have a very similar setup here (except for M.O.D.O.K. and Betty Ross' death) with a Thaddeus Ross now President after the disappearance of Steve Rogers. If they took inspiration from the comics, then he probably had some kind of deal with Sam. I don't remember who said that, if it was a scoopers or something official so be cautious with that information but someone said that Sam wanted to get what was rightfully his or something like that so I can very well imagine that he helped Ross and that he's now reclaiming what he thinks should be his paiement.
So to me while Sam's writing might be highly inspired by Peter David, I think his relationship with Ross will most likely be inspired by the Red Hulk era (Fall of The Hulks/World War Hulks included).

The Funeral
There is a military funeral in the trailer and in the pictures we got from last year when they shot the movie.

A few people are assuming that it's Steve Rogers' or Isaiah's but I don't believe in a Steve funeral considering they didn't want to answer the question of "is he alive" in Falcon and Winter Soldier and I don't think it's Isaiah 'cause if he gets killed it will probably be while attacking people so as a "terrorist", making it hard to believe he would have such honors for his funeral.
For me it's most likely Ross'.
I mentionned it already but there's a one-shot comics named Fall of the Hulks Gamma highly connected to Red Hulk that just shows Thaddeus Ross' funeral. During these funeral you had Betty (who was supposed to be dead back then) who was seen on the cemetary when they shot it, Captain America (as Steve Rogers, it's from 2009) and even Bruce Banner (so if we have a Mark Ruffalo cameo it might be here as well).
In both Civil War and Black Widow it is mentionned that Ross suffers serious heart issues so it could be either this of just him being assassinated.

Fall of the Hulks : Gamma (2009) written by Jeff Loeb pencil by John Romita Jr

Part of the recent reshots apparently took place in that place

Now if you're not familiar with the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center just know that this place is known for taking care of a few US Presidents and their family.
Also know that apparently Tim Blake Nelson was around for reshot. It doesn't mean he was here, but it's a possibility.
So to me Ross will "die", either in purpose or not, either a fake or really die, someone will set up his death like Sam and Ross did in comics (so probably them too), maybe against Ross' will, maybe through his own demand and that he'll get back as Red Hulk after that.

Speaking of Red Hulk :

Idk but the place he's in looks kinda familiar to the cemetary. I don't know shit about USA so maybe it's just a famous place with bloomed trees idk but it seems a big action moment take place here

So maybe Red Hulk/Ross will just break through his coffin and fight Captain America here, that would be sick tbh. Also worth noticing that that Sam shot showed a blossomed tree outside of the widow but maybe that's just because it's Spring.
Or maybe he's near, controlling Red Hulk in a way or another, who knows haha

Anyway, that's all for now, I think. I'll prably make a new kind of post in the near future like "breaking news" for everything Sam from now on 'cause we're getting a few stuff I wanna talk about lately that I haven't mentionned yet like Marvel Contest of Champion or Marvel Strike Force (and maybe I hope one day Sam in comics 'cause we haven't heard of him for what, 3 years now ?) so until then

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