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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Meowseum : Toilet Paper ??

Talking about collecting is one of the main reason I made this blog. There's a lot of stuff I wanna share, not necessarly Hulk related, with time here. I used to have a collection blog over a decade ago and eventually I deleted it because social media were enough for me. But collecting is something I really love sharing and reading about.
Anyway, as I said I collect a lot of stuff, not just Hulk related but I have this silly personal goal to get all the Sam related items. ALL of them, from his biggest comics appearance to the smallest cameo on a toy box or whatever.
So let's dive in that Sam collection and let's start with one of the oddest item : some toilet paper

People's first thought is always "but why ??", well I guess someone thought "I like reading comics when I spend too much time in the bathroom so what if my comics was actually PRINTED on the toilet paper so I don't have to bring my comics in??" or something like that and that kinda makes sense when you think about (I'm not saying it's a good idea, I'm saying that I kinda understand why someone thought it would).

The Gamma Gambit (1979), writer Jim Salicrup, artist Michael Higgins

So here I am, with a 50 years old toilet paper featuring a story about Spidey and Hulk teaming up against Sam.

Honestly when I bought it some years ago it wasn't even to get everything Sam, I wasn't doing that back then, it was because I genuinely wanted to read that story and there were no digital version or anything back then, you had to find that thing.
The Gamma Gambit (1979), writer Jim Salicrup, artist Michael Higgins

The story and arts are, mh, what it is but considering how short and small it is honestly they did their best with what they got.
That's how much I love that dumbass, I'm willing to buy a toilet paper roll that is older than me just to read a very meh story.
I don't have much more to say, it's just a toilet paper with Sam, Spidey and Hulk printed on it. But I have no regrets, I kinda like bragging about it. "Oh sure your fav is more popular than Sam but did they get their own toilet paper ? Mh ? Yeah that's what I thought". Also a very cool thing to show during Party (I don't Party).

Big Brain Time : Captain America Brave New World "What Could Have Been"

Alright, we're entering another heavy Captain America Brave New World spoiler zone, I'm gonna spoil the end and shit so, again, read...