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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Let's Talk MCU Sam and Tim Blake Nelson

"Let's Talk" are a new kind of posts, way more personal, even intimate, usually longer too, about stuff I like, why I love them etc... It's kinda about me unlike "Big Brain Time" that are just theories and analysis about something else, 'cause even if I'm talking about something or someone it's about why it's important to me.

To be honest I wanted to start with other more personal posts, in fact I have a few Let's Talk ready about Sam, villains, collecting etc... But I was casually doing a post about the Incredible Hulk Movie Script that I got and as I was writing it, it somehow turned into a whole post abouti Tim Blake Nelson and MCU Sam, so let's talk about them here instead !

This one is gonna be a super long chaotic desorganized post so take something to eat, to drink, maybe send a message to your boss to explain that you won't be able to go to work this week 'cause boy we're gonna talk about A LOT of stuff here today. 

Alright, let's start with Incredible Hulk 'cause you gotta start somewhere.

I know hating on the MCU is the new trend and it's funny because I remember a time less than a decade ago when you couldn't point the slightliest little MCU mistake without having a shit tons of stans telling you to kill yourself in your DM. But now it's the other way around, if you show a little sympathy for the MCU you and your whole family deserve to burn in Hell. I personally don't really care about all these discourses honestly, I have a very neutral opinion on the MCU.
I'm not a fan, I'm not a hater either, I just enjoy some of it. There's some projects I'm not really into, some stuff I really dislike about the MCU and there's some things, like the Incredible Hulk movie, that I love a lot and I had a good enough education to understand that people are allowed to hate something I like or like something I don't, I just don't care, I'm not on internet to argue with people I don't know about whether or not we should like or dislike something, I'm here to share my own personal experiences and idea without forcing on anyone. You can love things I hate, hate things I love, as long as you don't bother me and my fun and respect my tastes I'll respect yours.

I talked about the MCU and the Incredible Hulk movie here a lil' bit already so I'll try to avoid saying once again what I said already.

I didn't watch the Incredible Hulk in theater back then. I wasn't into cbm and honestly I'm still not so much into it, I love the Spider-Verse saga for exemple and I enjoy a few MCU movie but I didn't watch the DCU or indie stuff, so I had no interest in the MCU at first. I'll talk about it another time but one day I started binge watching all the MCU (I think Guardians of the Galaxy was out back then) so I watched Incredible Hulk alone in my room. I was already into Sam but I didn't know he was in that movie, I found out when I first watched it and I'm happy I found out this way 'cause the surprise felt so good. But still, as a Sam simp I wished I could see him on big screen and not alone and sick in the darkness and loneliness of my lil' room.

I always loved that movie, not because it's Hulk, as I often say I don't really like anything Hulk in the MCU, but idk, it's nice. There's a lot of things I enjoy, the kinda thriller vibe at the beginning barely showing Hulk, like an horror movie, the soundtracks, the Easter Eggs, etc... Yes it's full of problems, my biggest problem with that movie is how you can feel "what could have been" if there weren't so many conflicts while making it. But it's still a very nice comfort movie for me. You can like something imperfect, aknowledge all its problems and still like it, that's what objectivity is about.

There's also a few actors I enjoy, like Liv Tyler who I love a lot because of Armageddon, one of my top 5 fav movie ever (I'm not a LotR person though, I tried but, well, to each their own, maybe one day I'll give it another try). There's Tim Blake Nelson who is, in fact, my favorite actor and that's not even because of Sam.

So let's talk about him, Tim Blake Nelson I mean (Sam too but later), because I think it's a good excuse to talk about parasocial relationships, which are in the center of our life as the internet generation and to talk about something interesting and important.

I first saw him in the Incredible Hulk movie obviously but I honestly didn't give a single fuck back then. No offense, I just don't get into people's work just because they did something related to my gamma boy once. There's a lot of cool people who portrayed Sam on screen through dubbing, you had James Arnold Taylor (known for voicing Tidus in Final Fantasy X, Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank, Obi Wan in pretty much everything that doesn't involve live action acting), you had Matt Frewer that I don't know that much but I think a lot of americans people do because of Max Headroom (which isn't a thing here) and who is, so far, my fav Sam on screen. You had Jeffrey Combs who portrays Herbert West in Re-Animator and we even had Bill Hader who I loved in It Chapter 2 quickly dubbing him in the M.O.D.O.K show, I'll make a better small post about all of these people and a lil' glimpse at their voice acting later but my point is I don't become a fan of someone because they worked on my boy usually, even people as great as all the ones I just talked about. Like, Obi-Wan is my fav Star Wars character, Final Fantasy X my fav FF and Ratchet and Clank one of my fav game IP and I'm still not a fan of James Arnold Taylor. I appreciate what he does but I don't care enough to follow his work, you get what I mean ? Same with Matt Frewer, I LOVE his voice and the way he voiced Sam is near perfect but I don't know what he's up too lately, I hear him sometime (like in the Castlevania Netflix show) but that's it.

MCU Sam is the only live action Sam we ever got and when I first saw him in Incredible Hulk I thought "oh I love this Sam portrayal !", his origin story is completly different from his comics origin story, they most likely took inspiration from the Ultimate Sam (who was also a teacher) except MCU Sam is good. I love this overly excited Sam, probably because I'm pretty much like this IRL too, getting way too excited, rambling for hours about stuff I'm into, being utterly annoying to others.
You know that online joke people often make when there's something they relate to "they're just like me fr !", well it's true here, this MCU Sam is just like me fr.
To the point I felt a pinch in my heart when he's just being overly and genuinely enthousiast about the Hulk he just saw and Betty is just annoyed like "omg just stop" 'cause it's something I had to deal with so many time. When you get so excited by something you just kinda forget everything else exist and you just wanna share it, throw all these overwelming emotions (even when it's positive emotion) that are, somehow, "poisonning" your mind and preventing you from thinking about anything else and you just forget that people don't really share your excitement. I mean, I understand Betty here obviously, we're talking about the thing that ruined her life and Bruce's so of course she's annoyed, it's a normal reaction. But I felt worst for Sam here because I just relate too much.

MCU Sam's neuroA behaviors are obvious enough on screen but it's crystal clear in the book (which is MCU canon) and considering how it was written by Peter David himself (the one man who first introduced mental illness in the Hulk comics through Bruce's DID and all the neuroA psychological lore) I don't think it's an accident.
And I know some people will be like "oh my God who cares ???" well I do, that's enough to have me talk about it. I like that my fav character ever share the same kind of struggles that I have. I like that when I read this MCU Incredible Hulk page about Sam I find myself, I read about my own behaviors, somehow it makes it more "acceptable" to me, it makes me feel "normal", it's important to me to be able to relate to someone, even fictif. It makes me feel understood and less lonely and annoying, it's that simple. If you wonder why it's important then congrats, you grew up with a lot of characters who are meant to represent you to the point you didn't even have to think about it nor notice it. Not everybody had this chance.

The Incredible Hulk movie book by Peter David

This description is so accurate to my own behaviors, so, I don't know, I feel a lot of empathy for this Sam. Because just like him here I've been called and seen as a weirdo and a creepy, I've been blamed (I still am sometimes) over my weird behaviors, I've been told to change (which I tried but you can't change who you are). And the hardest part is that people genuinely think they're helping you out so you can't even blame them, which would be easier, instead you listen and you try to make them comfortable without thinking about your own comfort.
I'm not saying you should be selfish because that's "who you are" 'cause that won't work out either (and people also use that as an excuse to be total pricks) there's a balance between what you should do for people and what they should do for you to have an healthy relationship but that's not the point of my post, maybe we'll talk about that another day 'cause it's still an important thing to mention. Way too many of you are in unhealthy relationship either because they're too nice and let people be assholes to them or because they are assholes who think they're too nice to mean people when in fact they're the deep shit here.

That being said, let's go back to Tim Blake's acting (should we say Tim or Tim Blake ? I never know, I don't understand how names work in US, why is Bruce named "Bruce" if his name is Robert Bruce Banner for exemple ? Idk, so I'll use Tim Blake because I often people saying "Nelson" so it makes more sense to me but lemme know if I'm wrong so I can edid), there's a lot of little things he does that are very in character, that you can point and say "oh that's typical Sam", the lab moment for exemple, when he tries to reach to Hulk with his lil' hand, not listening to Betty anymore, it was very Leader-ish of him, loved that.

You see, it's something you don't always get even in comics, even if it's an important part of Sam and why I love him : when he does his evil science shit he's having fun, he loves that. He doesn't like being evil or hurting for the sake of evilness, he likes the science and he's having fun doing it, he's genuinely passionate. That's something we got in the recently Immortal Hulk that you should all read btw, Sam playing and having fun while he does his science. And I'm not saying this to excuse him 'cause that boy is terribly FUCKED UP IN HIS BIG GAMMA HEAD, but I like on villains. I like when they smirk, when they're sassy (even flirty sometimes). I want my villain to be the villainous self-centered sassy bitch they are. If I wanted a hero I would simp a hero.
Some writers just write that cold emotionless guy and I respect that, it's another portrayal of him that does suit him well too 'cause Sam is all about "acting" , like, he pretends to be that evil mad scientist who pretends to be in control of everything and mostly his own emotions so he often acts like he has none when in fact it's the opposite, he's FULL of emotions he can't hide at all (I mentionned that quickly here) so I also like when they write him all cold and calm and two pages later he loses his temper and have an explosion of emotions.
Hulk is about dealing with emotions, both Bruce and Sam gotta deal with that, it's an important part of their chara dev.
So yeah, I'm not saying this because I'm a Sam simp, there's a few Sam interpretation that I just don't care about or don't like at all (Ultimate, second half of Red Leader era who is way too evil for the sake of being evil like eating panda because booouh he's so scary and evil and as I said Sam doesn't do evil shit just for the sake of being evil, for exemple, that last part of his Red Leader era was a pretty dumb shit to write), but this one was great and ever since I wanted to see him back on screen but as the Leader this time because it's honestly one of my fav Sam interpretation and I just wonder what he would be as the Leader considering his acting.

Still, it wasn't enough to care about Tim Blake Nelson so I spent years just ignoring him and what he does, like I do with pretty much everyone else. Until one day someone DMed me like "hey, I just watched the Ballad of Buster Scruggs and you should totally watch it 'cause there's the guy who portrays Sam in it haha" and he sent me a trailer :

I didn't care much about Tim Blake Nelson himself but they got me at the whole Western ambiance (it reminds me of the person I love the most, my fiance, so I have a soft spot for Westerns haha), and I LOVED it, the format was good, it reminded me of the story book full of short stories I would read before going to bed as a kid, but adapted to my now grown-ass maturity.
Tim Blake Nelson's acting was great and fun so I thought maybe I should look deeper into what he does.
And I did, out of curiousity honestly. I haven't watched everything yet, I have yet to watch Asleep in My Palm which seems pretty good but which is pretty much impossible to watch legaly in France atm and that one Netflix show I forgot the name again with toys ('cause Tim Blake Nelson is also a good voice actor). He did a few Western related stuff (that aren't necessarly Western, like, I wouldn't call O'Brother a Western but the ambiance is very similar, y'know what I mean, it's more of an aesthetic and era I like I guess), maybe it's his own special interest, idk, but as I said I enjoy it too so it was easy for me to just start watching these specific movies before falling into the rabbit hole and slowly watch everything else.
And the more I watched his movies, the more I read his interviews, the more I enjoyed his work. He just has this very, mh, passionate and modest way to talk about his work that I admire, idk, it sounds very natural. He has that way of just crediting everyone he worked with that I also deeply respect.
And I like that he seems very reserved, he's barely present anywhere, he does interviews from times to times and that's it, no online presence, no talking. That's probably one of the few reasons I like him a lot, because he shows up to talk about his work or what he likes and that's it.
I don't like the glamorous world of celebrities, I like simplicity.

If I had to pic a top 3 fav projects involving Tim Blake that would be Old Henry first, it's on my top 5 fav movies of all time (with Armageddon yes). I don't want to say much more about the movie 'cause I think it's better to completly discover it by yourself but he's STUNNING in it, really great acting. I'm not good at reviews so all I'm gonna say is he was just awesome in it.

Second I would say the Ballad of Buster Scruggs as I said above and third even if it's only a cameo but Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio :

I don't know what is going on between Guillermo Del Toro and Tim Blake Nelson, they're apparently good friends 'cause they seems to do a lot of stuff together lately, Tim Blake also had a cameo in Nightmare Alley (very good movie btw) and the main role in Cabinet of Curiosities Lot 36 and Guillermo Del Toro was present at his book presentation. I won't complain 'cause Guillermo Del Toro is, in fact, my fav movie director. I watched all his movies, I'm super excited for Frankenstein and I wish we could get a Tim Blake Nelson cameo again because that would be my fav book turned into a movie by my fav director so all I need now is my fav actor, that would be so perfect haha.
But yeah, I'm a huge fan of Guillermo Del Toro's work (including his crazy house, such a goal). (And this is the moment I beg you to watch Crimson Peak without spoiling yourself 'cause everything is just so great about this movie. The colors, the ambiance, the clearly video game inspiration etc...)
He seems to have a huge respect for the people he works with and as I said above that's something I respect. Spending his time online to share his passions, to promote his coworkers or projects not related to him that he just casually enjoyed. That's something I loved about Cabinet of Curiosities, each episodes had their own director and at the beginning of each episode he takes the time to introduce each of them. Of course he's aware his name sells, but he shares that spotlight with his team and that's something I respect a lot as an artist. A lot of us work in the shadow while other people get the rewards of our work, people remember us only when they need someone to blame.
I don't know how he is as a person and I don't really care. It's not that I separate the art from the artist 'cause as an artist I know we don't separate ourself from what we do and there's a lot of objectively good works that I can't enjoy because bigoted people or abusers are behind it. 'Cause that's the thing I gotta quickly mention as well, we gotta stop saying that something made by someone terrible isn't good, that they're bad artists, bad actors, bad singers or whatever 'cause that's not the fucking point, you can do great stuff and be the worst human trash ever made and describilising someone's work because they're awful is the same as excusing someone because they do good stuff, it's perpetuating this idea that something good can't be done by someone terrible and that bad things can't be done by good people (therefore justifying harassing creatives when they do something people disliked). So no, don't separate someone's work from who they are because supporting their work is supporting them, but don't pretend something is bad just because they are either, you can dislike something objectively good because some nasty people were behind it and you can love something objectively bad because people behind it were nice and passionate.

Anyway, gonna end this lil' off topic with these two fanarts I made in 2022 'cause it's a blog about me so I'd rather share what I do as well from time to time and promote my stuff as well :

I'm not really good enough at drawing Tim Blake Nelson yet, I gotta train if I wanna pull some sick MCU Sam arts haha I want to find a way to draw him that is kinda recognizible while style being my artstyle, it's super hard you have no idea.

So back to the boy, as I said he just has a small cameo in Pinocchio but I love it and I love this movie so it's gonna be the 3rd nonetheless. Everything is just so good, from the songs to the story to the designs. I deeply love it. He's portraying the black rabbits and has a song in the movie. I love the little voices he's taking to voices them all, it's pretty cool.

For some reasons Tim Blake sang a few time in a few movies and I won't complain because I like his voice. So he's an actor, a director, a singer.
And he's also a writer.

I don't know what's the difference between these two edition, don't ask me.
I have the left version so I can tell at least this one is a big hardcover.
I can't tell much more about it yet 'cause I'm still reading it. I have a time hard time reading novels, if there's no pictures like comics to keep my mind focus I'll just read words, understand these words but not understanding what I'm reading, if that makes sense.
It took me one year to read Frankenstein and it was in French so imagine having to read something in English. So I'm just throwing this to promote what he does since we're talking about him, seems a natural thing to do.
I'll go back to it when I have the time and energy to properly focus on reading ('cause that's also the point, I spend too much time working/drawing and I barely have time to do anything else).

But anyway, let's dive in into that parasocial relathionship I said we would talk about.
I don't simp over real people because I don't trust people, especially celebrities, absolute power corrupts absolutly and we show what we want people to see.
Everyday you hear "this guy abused that person, this person is bigoted", it's just painfully annoying looking up to someone who would fucking hate you for being different, or people who are plain dangerous y'know. So I'd rather not care about people unless I personally know them, sometime it's a big enough trouble already.
I'm not into parasocial relationship. Thing is, I'm an artist online, I have a very small visibility but a visibility nonetheless, especially on Xwitter so I have to deal with parasocial relationship. Having visibility on social medias is different from being a huge celebrity that kinda feels unattainable, people feel like they know you, like we're good friends or like we owe them entertainment. There's this odd thing with social media that have people think they're allowed to be intrusive, to give "criticism" about everything you do and are and that if you can't take it you're a prick. I don't wanna be too negative nor give attention to people who never really got mine but boy how I met some nasty creepy people online. From the usual unsollocited sexual DM ('cause I draw 🔞 so to people it means I want them to fuck me in the most disrespectful possible way) to the usual death threats if you like something they don't and of course the way too intrusive simps.
Fortunatly for me I have a very loud, confident and bold personality so I don't take shit from people but it's still annoying, you have no idea of all the shit I've been through in my DM because I never share it in hope they'll just get bored and forget about me but damn (and the creepiest part is I'm not talking about trolls, I'm talking about stans, people who admire you in a very creepy way).
And I can assure you that when your parents tell you internet is full of dangerous people they're goddamn right so please be careful with what you share and the personality you show online.

And I understand why people (especially people who, like me, need the online visibility to live, it's part of our main incomes) would just stfu and let people kinda abuse them in fear that they might loose customer or have a bad reputation.
It's really complicated 'cause when people genuinely love what you do or are neuroA it's hard to explain to them that they're making you uncomfortable when they get too close and invasive, 'cause, well, I'm neuroA too, I know it's hard sometime when you're excited about something or someone to not be weird or invasive because I can be too, I just throw too much love in order to support people and I don't always realize that I might sound scary or annoying, that's also why I often explain beforehand that I might be weird and that it's totally ok to stop me if I'm being accidentally invasive, that I won't get hurt or anything and that in fact it's helping me out, it's easier for everyone. So yeah, I understand that, but as I said I had bad experiences with people who "meant well" and who were really dangerous and who did some nasty shit (not to me fortunatly but I was scared it might happen if I was too harsh so pushing them away and reminding them of the wall between us was even harder) and I just don't want to take that risk anymore, I can't sacrifice my own comfort and well being over people I don't even know because they think that I can solve all of their problems, even the worst and I wish I could but I'm just a cringe weirdass nobody sharing very gay-ish fanarts of my fav characters online and ranting for hours about things I like, I can't give you the professional help you seek and need.
I personally chose to tell people to go fuck themself if they were annoying, which gave me the reputation to be an egocentrical bitch from a minority of noisy and annoying little goons but a very good reputation from most people and that's a lil' tip for the two people who read me, if you wanna make an online business know that people love a very confident person. With confidence comes a few haters indeed but it's always 2-3 people, they're not worth your time or energy. And if you don't have confidence fake it until it becomes real, that's how it works. 

I'm not the kind of person who enjoys a hug from a stranger, I don't like people invading my personal space, I don't want to make friends and I don't like when people are trying to know me more than through what I chose to share. I don't know how to react to compliments (even if it's always nice to get these) nor how to give them without sounding like a serial killer so it's not something I want to push on people I look up to.
I sounds pretty introvert but it's quite the opposite, I'm not bad at socializing, in fact I'm very good at it, that's why people come to me after all. It's just that I'd rather stay in my little World with the people I trust because nothing is more disappointing than people.
I don't want to be famous, I don't have ambition, this is one of the only trait I don't share with Sam (this and the whole evil murdering, torturing and this kind of stuff y'know), I truly don't understand why people want to be popular, it's too much trouble.

But I gotta admit, there's some positivy in parasocial relationship that I dig.
Like I said I often had people DMing me and telling me that I somehow helped them out because I brought happiness in their life and while I honestly don't understand because I do things for myself, if somehow what I do help people out then it's worth it and it makes me super happy to hear about it, it gives a meaning to my own struggles and pain. I also made a lot of very good friends online even if I'm not here for that so it's weird saying I don't want people to become my friends when I made so many haha. But idk, friendship is something that should be natural, not forced I guess. I want people to naturally talk to me and comment my stuff, not to force a friendship I didn't ask for because they like what I do and what I look like to them.
I'm super lucky because we built a trustful and healthy relationship with people who follow me and support my work so no matter what people do to put me down they'll always be here to support me, if I ever feel bad or whatever I know I'll get the support needed and that's really a privilege that I try to take good care of of their trust and be a better version of myself. I have people thanking me for giving them the strength to be more confident about themself but they're often not aware that they helped me out as well, that their support and kind messages gave me the motivation to be the role model some of them see in me, or to fight some dark thoughts when my illness takes the best of me. When I was at my worst I couldn't help but think about the DM I got from people who told me I was a hope to them, the proof that you can have an happy life even when you're not meant to so I just thought "I can't give up because if even I do that, then what about their hope ?" y'know, I didn't want to be a disappointment for these strangers and you can say it's dumb but it's a thought that helped me a lot to better myself and my health and to never give up in anything.
I'm happy with were I am atm, the friends I made, the people who support me and my work, the peace I found online. It's not that most people are mean and stupid but rather than normal and nice people are quiet while the trolls are intentionally loud.

I say I don't understand why people would feel grateful for me and my work and yet that's also what I do, feeling grateful for people who don't know me because their work impacted my life and gave me a reason to stay alive. I live through fiction because at some point I couldn't live anymore so I can't help but feel like I owe my current life to people I don't know and who don't know I exist.
I keep a lots of limits 'cause while I don't mind simping a fictional character, I don't like the idea of simping a real person, it's kinda toxic already but it also feels disrespectful and dehumanizing. But people's work, however, I simp it, it brings me genuine happiness, I enjoy watching their projects.
I think parasocial relationships can be very good and even helpful if you keep it healthy and respectuous.

So why am I saying all that ? It was supposed to be a post about MCU Sam and Tim Blake Nelson.
Because having a small glimpse at parasocial relationship (in both the worst and best) is important to understand why you would feel grateful to someone's work. And Tim Blake Nelson is one of these people that I kinda "owe to" because their work make my life better by just existing.
The thought of seeing him portraying Sam on big screen again gave me the strength to move mountains, you have no idea of the stuff I did and still do to improve my health that I didn't have the courage to do these past 15 years just to be sure I can sit three hours in a goddamn theater and see 2sec of MCU Leader on screen.

I mean, look at that :

He's gonna be perfect. I don't know if the writing will follow but everything he's saying so far gives me good hope to see something great.

Sam is a character that is very important to me and I trust Tim Blake Nelson with all my heart to honor him and do him well, even if the writing doesn't follow (the MCU isn't really into respecting gamma characters unfortunatly), even if he's not "accurate" I know he'll do his best with what he's given. The way he talks about Sam gives me huge hopes (not huge expectations though, just hope for a good time, I don't expect anything from the MCU or everything at all 'cause it only leads to disappointments), how he "thought about it all the time", how excited he seems to be to reprise that role and how apparently Marvel is doing good stuff with him, it just got me excited. I don't wanna talk about Cap 4 as a whole here, there's a lot to say that have people worry and I understand these concerns and it deserves a full post so I'll keep it about MCU Sam.

And I'm very very curious about how Sam will look like in the MCU. All we got so far is Tim Blake Nelson just casually wandering on the set of Cap 4 (taking the occasion to re-share a small doodle I did 'cause this outfit was kinda cute) from spring 2023

And we don't know what this look is so far. It could very well be just Tim Blake Nelson being himself, I mean, remember when I said earlier that he had a thing for westerns ? Well these are clearly not Sam's boots lol it's most likely his. However the green shirt and purple pants had me wonder if it's a "young" Leader (by young I mean not so long after his mutation) 'cause Sam used to dress in purple before his famous orange and when he fully mutated into the Leader he had a purple pants...

Tales to Astonish 63 (1964) writing by Stan Lee, art by Carl Burgos

We also got a very poor quality leak very recently in which we could see him with A BEARD, now that's an interesting point because Tim Blake doesn't have a beard here so what does it mean ? Was it added through makeup or is it, as I said, something happening prior to the main timeline ? We'll find out soon enough.

I'm all for Sam with a mustache but I really don't mind the beard look, Tim Blake Nelson looks pretty cool with a beard to begin with and that's also a modern look we often see on Sam, mostly on other medias but also in comics

Fall of the Hulks : Gamma (2009) writing by Jeph Loeb art by John Romita Jr
Tim Blake Nelson as The Leader in a Captain America 4 leak

Drawing is all my life, I love it more than I love Sam so design is an important thing to me. Even if I created my own Sam design with time, even if I enjoy dressing him and Bruce up, that's also what I love about mainstream comics, there's as much design as there's people drawing a character and that's a lot of fun, so I can't wait to see what he will look like. Even if he keeps a casual look. Even if he's not accurate, I just wanna see a new interpretation of my boy and have something new to discover.
I never understood Comics book fans who are upset when something is different, that's litteraly the point of mainstream comics, having differents interpretations. Sure there's some you'll dislike, as I said there's a few Sam writing that I really, really don't like myself, but that doesn't prevent me from liking everything else and just ignore these stories. So I'm looking forward that MCU Leader.

MCU Sam will probably be very different from the Sam I love but as long as the core of his character remain I don't really care. Some of my fav versions of Sam are very different from their 616 comics too, the little redeemed Sam in Avengers Academy who overworks way too hard to be a decent hero, the goofy idiot in Hulk and the agents of S.M.A.S.H and the cute overly excited MCU Sam we got in Incredible Hulk.
Of course I'd rather have Sam vs Bruce, their rivarly is everything to me but I'm at a point where I'll take every little crumb I can get. Beside with all these World War Hulk(s) rumors we got I wouldn't be surprise if he has a small screentime in Cap 4 and shine in a Hulk project so I'll just wait 'til Cap 4 is released and see what we get and what they're teasing.
To be honest I don't really care if Sam is poorly written on screen, having him showing up even 2 sec portrayed by Tim Blake Nelson is enough to have me happy and more importantly it's enough to make him relevant again in the eyes of Marvel.

Y'know there's this sad crazy thing all Hulk fans witnessed, it's his fall down. Back in the 90s the most popular Marvel characters were Wolverine, Spidey and Hulk, mostly thanks to 90s cartoon show I guess, you had this trinity that you would mostly see on merch and such. That's also why Bob Iger saying that they're not gonna take any risk anymore with the MCU is pure bullshit, without risk you wouldn't have Iron Man, you wouldn't have Cap and you CERTAINLY wouldn't have Guardians of the Galaxy. Sure some 'muricans knew about Iron Man and Cap prior to the MCU but the rest of the world didn't and even people who knew them didn't really care that much (and don't pretend any of you cared about GotG before the MCU either), the MCU made them popular by taking a risk.
I'll talk longer about the MCU later 'cause there's a lot to say and this post is long enough already but my point is, yeah, basically the MCU killed Hulk's popularity and reputation.
If you ask around you most people will tell you that Hulk is that Savage beast that smash, that's why it's not very interesting for most people and very appealing for these manly men who are so insecured they see into Hulk a symbol of virility. And it's very funny to see Hulk, a litteral child (even in the MCU) being a representation of their virility, reality it says a lot about them.
But that's not what Hulk is about, it's quite the opposite actualy, really. Most successful Hulk stories have this horror aesthetic, Immortal Hulk didn't create that. If you read Jenkins or Peter David you'll find some horror stuff, sure it's not full horror like Hulk is nowaday but you'll see the inspiration. Hell, Hulk was created to be a Frankenstein/Jekyll story, highly inspired by old Hollywood movies.
And in fact Sam is, too, inspired by Frankenstein and Jekyll. But apparently (and I have no sources for that, it's just something I heard so don't take it for granted) by John Astin's Gomez and considering his dandy gentleman behaviors and his look back in the 60s I strongly believe that's true, especially considering Sam was created the year this specific show started airing and got popular (and also the year Tim Blake Nelson was born, what a funny and nice coincidence !).

Tales to Astonish 63 (1964) writing by Stan Lee, art by Carl Burgos
John Astin as Gomez in 1964's Addam Family

It's also a story about mental illness, trauma, abuses. So we're very far from what people see in Hulk, the dumb strong virilist beast with no writing the MCU gave them. Of course people will argue that it's Universal's fault, maybe but I think that if Marvel Studio really wanted to do anything with Hulk they would get the money for that and that Universal holding the right for a solo movie didn't prevent them from giving Bruce and Hulk the proper writing they deserved, after all Avengers Mark Ruffalo's Hulk was pretty great. They just didn't care enough so they tried to kill Hulk instead by making him less relevant and important (like litteraly, Bruce Banner died for some time in comics and they tried to replace him, it just didn't work that well) like they always do when they can't fully make money out of a character and because they couldn't properly exploit Hulk anymore of course they killed off everything related to it so bye bye Sam.
Blonsky was luckier 'cause he showed up in the first movie, so everytime they had to pick a Hulk antagonist they went for Abomination 'cause people knew him through the Incredible Hulk movie instead of going for Sam, who's litteraly the main Hulk villain, or even Ross.
I like Abomination but it just doesn't feel right to me y'know. Everybody knows Green Goblin and the Sinister Six, everybody knows Dr Doom, everybody knows every main antagonists of every popular Marvel characters EXCEPT for Sam. He was popular back in the 70s to the 90s and now barely anyone remember him. Blonsky is not the main Hulk villain, he often works under someone else's orders. He's a great Hulk villain, but not the main villain.

Immortal Hulk gave him back his rightful place as the main Hulk villain and even added to his lore and his relationship to Bruce so now readers remember him but whether these readers like it or not they're a minority among Marvel fans now. Everything rely on the MCU.
That's why I've been hoping for his return so so bad even if I know the MCU did dirty to gamma characters and even killed their popularity, because it's the only way to have peolpe knowing his name again and to have him back in other medias.
And it slowly started. Probably because the movie was meant to come out this month (May 2024 if for some reasons you read this in the future) if it wasn't pushed back to next year but suddenly Sam is slowly starting to show up in mobile games for exemple and that's the only thing I expected from the MCU and the only reason I wanted him back.

Now it's a bit different though 'cause as I said I slowly felt for Tim Blake Nelson's work and I've been trying to keep an eye on everything he does so I'm also waiting for MCU Sam to see him, not just Sam, but him too.

And it's weird, really, 'cause Tim Blake has been our MCU Sam for, what, 16 years now ? And yeah, indirectly I started loving his work because of Sam I guess, not Sam directly but because someone went "hey look it's that guy who does Sam !", if he wasn't doing Sam I wouldn't have focused on him while watching that movie, I wouldn't even watch the movie in the first place 'cause nobody would have sent it to me. But because I love him for every other characters he portrays it's just, like, it's like you just learnt that your fav actor is going to portray your fav character and you're like "NO FUCKING WAAAAAAAAAAY" 'cause yeah, sure we saw MCU Sam but we never saw MCU Leader and I love Sam for his Leader, that's the thing too, that's also why I have a lot of good time waiting for him.
So yeah, that's how I feel about this, it's like I'm just finding out that Tim Blake Nelson is gonna portray the Sam I love and I'm "omg I'm so lucky".
It's an odd feeling, a feeling that makes me happy and that motivated me to better myself and my health somehow.

Passion really is the strongest thing ever, it can lead to the worst and most toxic behaviors but it can also give you the strength to do so many things. Nothing is more important to me that passion, it's the fuel that keeps me and so many people alive.

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