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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Big Brain Time #5 What is MCU Sam up to ?

It's the question we see the most, what was the Leader up to these past 15 years ? Well I have a small theory that I wanted to share based on rumors I saw here and there so it might contain Captain America A Brave New World Spoilers.

I first wanted to share it through social medias but it was getting longer and longer and I needed pic and- Anyway, let's dive in :

Alright, before I talk about the spoiler itself, let's talk about what we know about MCU Sam.
If you never saw Incredible Hulk first of all you should, second here's what happened to MCU Sam last time we saw him (he's the dude in blue if you don't know what Tim Blake Nelson looks like, which means you haven't watch Old Henry and that's kinda a crime so go watch it after you're done reading) :

So yeah, as you can see the army arrest him after he cured Bruce because he studied him and could help him create more Hulks, I explained that here already, so Blonsky asks him to turn him into a Hulk, Sam does, he gets hurt in the process, he starts mutating, the end (there's a fun fact about this that you can read here as well) and we never saw him again.

Or so most peolpe think because he was in fact in the MCU tie-in comics Fury's Big Week.
If you're a nerd like me, you know that Thor, Iron Man 2 and Incredible Hulk all happened at the same time, in one big week. This can be proven through Iron Man 2 in which you can see Mjolnir's crater foutages from Thor and Hulk fighting the army foutage from Incredible Hulk on the News.

But anyway, this Fury's Big Week comics is 8 issues of "what was S.H.I.E.L.D. doing during this big week", basically. It's not a "needed" reading to understand anything MCU, just some bonus and ultimatly it ends up with Selvig being mindcontrolled by Loki and so leading to Avengers. It was a comics book made to introduce the first Avengers movie.
It's the only MCU comics I like because it gave us "another story", or more than just the movie we know, unlike the others MCU comics that were part of the movie but in comics. I personally highly dislike when they do that, comics and movies have different codes, they're different medias and it should be take into consideration when you go from one to another, that's why I really don't mind the MCU doing whatever they want with popular stories and characters as long as they respect the core of said stories and characters (this is unfortunatly not always properly done but it is what it is, I'm not writing this to trash the MCU).

I'm only gonna talk about the MCU Sam part because everything else is irrelevant to this post and I have no more random MCU spit to throw here.
At some point of the comics, Natasha finds Sam during his mutation, so minutes after the video I put above and his last "on screen" appearance. She was about to calls for medical support but Sam tells her it won't be needed and that he's the only medical assistance he needs but he could very well used her assistance instead.
And through his very new gamma brain and hability to understand people in a few seconds, he makes a huge mistake :

He brings up Nat's trauma and origin, like he always does, to tempt here (it was quite a nice Sam writing here) and of course she gets angry and she shot him on the left leg (probably to prevent him from escaping) and gives him to S.H.I.E.L.D.

And then you quickly see him one last time in that one panel while Coulson is passing by in the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarter :

All you see is a naked Sam in a cuve and scientist making experiment on him.

Now before we go to the rumor slash spoilers part, let's add a little MCU lore.
As you might know, the S.H.I.E.L.D. was infiltrated by HYDRA and because of that S.H.I.E.L.D. "disappeared", so everything the S.H.I.E.L.D. had ended up in the Gov hands, based on this you can assume that Sam either took the occasion to flee or he ended up with the Gov.

Now I'm gonna talk about these rumors a lil' bit so from this point it will be full Brave New World potential spoilers. Remember, we don't know if these rumors are true, most of them aren't. I heard this one a few time from credible people but it might be wrong. But it could be true too, thus the spoiler warning.

Alright, if you're still reading you're ok with rumors and potential spoilers so let's keep going.
According to one of these rumors Sam will leak footages of him being tortured and I don't know if it's true but that's an idea I like a lot.
I often wondered what would be MCU Sam's reason to be evil. In the comics, while it's not that developped, you understand that he was in a poor situation, dropped out school in high school because of his parents' pressures and abuse, probably left his home at the same time, found a night shift janitor job with a small paycheck, lived alone with no friends and no family left (except for his abusive older brother) so when he mutated he wanted revenge basically, revenge against the World, against the humanity that abused him, against himself and his own life, but considering how MCU Sam has everything Sam wanted (a name, a good job, students who probably like him considering he wears the shirt of their team) and sure you don't need a reason to write him evil, you can stick to "he wanted to take over the world because he thinks he's better than everyone else", it would work but Sam's big immaturity, poor temper and in fact most of his demises and the reason he wants humanity to "evolve" and "be perfect" are born of his bitterness for humanity so to me it's an important part of his writing, his need for revenge and his huge disappointment for people. So I wondered if they would be able to do that in the MCU.
Leaking footage of the torture he might have been through would be typical Sam honestly, pointing out something bad he went through while humiliating the people behind it while doing his evil plan and while taking his revenge, typical Sam, it's an idea I like 'cause as immature as Sam is he doesn't just take his revenge on people for the sake of bitterness, even against Hulk, everytime he does hurt Bruce or one of his Hulk as a mean to make them pay he still put his big plan before personal revenge but when he can he'll "combine business with pleasure".
For exemple, here's Sam being disappointed he doesn't have time to torture Bruce and take his revenge on him 'cause his masterplan is more important than his pleasure :

Immortal Hulk 38 writing by Al Ewing (2020)

Now I don't know what we'll get, especially considering they've been reshoting the intro and final battle part but Sam being held captive all this time is actually one of the most  comics accurate explanation they can give because

1) As I said that'd give him an in-character origin story
2) Sam spending a lot of time captive and controlling shit from his prison and escaping when he's ready is something he often does (and did in the famous Earth Mightiest Heroes Avengers cartoon and a few comics)
3) Ross torturing people is canon in comics and he tried to do that to Sam at a moment he lost his power during the Red Hulk era (so one of the inspiration for the movie), but it's in fact Bruce who said no because now that he was a normal human being there were no need to hurt him.

Now I don't think Sam was captive for 16 years, maybe he escaped way before that and we'll get a flashback or something, maybe he stayed here because it matched his plan like he did in Earth Mightiest Heroes Avengers to study his enemies from the "inside" while they thought they were studying him, or like he did in the Hulkverine run when he just kinda took a lil' break in prison and patiently waited until it was his turn to move (yeah prison time seems to be vacations for Sam but we don't kinkshame here).
We'll find out very soon, the movie is suposed to come out in 8 months, the trailer might come out in two.

I'm not very active on this blog yet because I have a lot of work atm so I thought it would be nice to write a lil' something randomly anyway, like I do when I drop small little threads randomly on Bluesky or Xwitter (more often on Bluesky nowaday) because I felt like it.

btw the little header pic is a meme from Spongebob we did some years ago because someone said "what is MCU doing during Infinity War, Endgame and such ?" and I was "he's chillin' that's what he does", thus the reason I used that lol.


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